Wednesday, February 10, 2010

DragonQuest by Donita K. Paul

Twice as good as the first! DragonQuest was wonderful. Probably my favorite in the series. Kale has finally made it to the Hall with Dar and is still at the lowest rank as a leecent. But that meech egg she saved from Risto has hatched and is getting on Fenworth's last nerves. He wants Kale to come help out since she was the one who quicken the dragon and therefore has bonded with it. She is sent to the Bogs and the adventures begin! But the adventures do not stay in the Bogs. They range from battlefields to rowdy taverns, full of suspense and great characters along the way. Several new and main characters are introduced in DragonQuest such as Regidor, Gilda, Bardon, and Toopka. But let's not leave out the mystery of two women both claiming to be Kale's mother, the hatching of two new minor dragons, and invasion of Creemore spiders. So join Kale and her comrades on another quest in the land of Amara!